Welcome to the Discover I-O Facebook page!

The aim of these Community Guidelines is to provide clear and useful information about how to interact with our community.

Our content is designed to be accurate, informative, authentic, and a reflection of our company culture—it’s also designed to engage you, encourage feedback, and share with others in your network.

We request that you follow our Community Guidelines. Since we work in a heavily regulated industry, there are many requirements we have to follow to operate this community. As such, it may take us longer to reply or comment back, and there may even be cases when we need to remove comments. Examples include:

Discussing Medicine

Due to industry regulations and guidelines, we may remove any comment that mentions or describes any medication, ours or anyone else's.

If you have a question or comment about our medicines, they should be directed to Bristol-Myers Squibb through our telephone hotline by calling 800-321-1335.

Adverse Event (Side Effect)

This page is not intended for the reporting of side effects associated with the use of medications. If your post includes a possible side effect associated with a Bristol-Myers Squibb medication, we may be required to contact you for more information. You may contact us to report a side effect with a Bristol-Myers Squibb medication by calling 800-721-5072 (US only). You may also contact the FDA directly: please visit http://www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Off-topic Conversations

We’d prefer to keep the conversation on this page continuous and strong, which means we want it to be related, and in-line with the topic of the page. Please do not post solicitations or promote products or services. Our community is best served with a discussion that stays on topic and remains relevant.

Personal Information

Your personal information is just that—personal. Please think carefully about what you post about yourself. Don’t post information about yourself that you don’t want anyone to know. Also, to protect the privacy of others, don’t post any personal, proprietary, confidential, sensitive, or health-related information about anyone else on our page. The information you post on this page is publicly available to all and not just your friends on Facebook.

We may use and store information you post on this page or otherwise provide us voluntarily, for example, when reporting a side effect, screening content before it is posted to this page, or registering for a program we may offer through this page. Please see the BMS Privacy Policy for more information.

Maintaining a Tone of Mutual Respect

We welcome comments that show respect, share insight/experience, add to the variety of opinions, and highlight the diversity of our followers. Comments that are vulgar, defamatory, abusive, threatening, disruptive, or spam, or otherwise offensive will be removed.

Medical Advice

Let’s leave the medical talk to the real professionals - Healthcare Providers. Please do not post comments that are suggestive of or request medical advice. If you have questions about a disease/condition, call your doctor.

Use of Images

A picture is often worth a thousand words or more, except when they are copyrighted/trademarked and someone else’s property. Please be sure to look carefully at the image you wish to share for copyright and trademarks that may force us to remove the post (eg, image of a celebrity) and make sure you own the rights to the photo you are posting.

Third-party Posts

There may be times when we repost or link to third-party content. This does not mean BMS is endorsing the third-party. We repost and link to third-party content for the convenience of our followers.

Facebook Terms

Please read and understand Facebook Terms and Conditions while you are participating in our community. We are subject to their terms and so are you.


There may be other times that a comment may be removed for a reason not listed above. It is at the sole discretion of Bristol-Myers Squibb and the page administrator to remove a comment. As we said earlier, we want this to be a resource for the community, and we will ensure that all the content posted on this page provides clear and correct information. For more information, please see the Bristol-Myers Squibb Legal Notice.

Modifying Comments

Bristol-Myers Squibb may also modify your comment to comply with the Community Guidelines. Alternatively, we may ask you to modify your comment and repost.

Violating the Community Guidelines

Failure to comply with these Community Guidelines may result in being blocked from this page, and we don’t want to do that.

Thank you for reviewing and following these criteria, and we look forward to talking to you!